Monday, August 2, 2010

The (red) Box

Prime and I went for a two mile walk yesterday to the red box at the local Mcdonald's for a movie.
It has been relatively cool out, but I don't think I accounted for all the sweating and panting that was to take place.
See for yourself....

and me, looking less than my best:

We rehydrated:

and then we relaxed (he slept, and I watched Lost):

It was a really awesome excursion, though I should have brought some water with me for Prime. Towards the end, he found every area of shade and worked hard to walk underneath it, slowly. He has black fur after all--I can only imagine how hot he was!

We got the movie The Box, with Cameron Diaz. She played a mom (a first?). It was surprisingly good!

Until next time!

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