Friday, August 20, 2010

Summer Squash Love Affair

I don't know what my problem is, but I can't get enough summer squash in my life.

Yesterday, I purposefully bought Hubs his dinner so that I could have a different dinner of summer squash.

I have been making summer squash pizza, summer squash hoagies with peppers and barbecue sauce and sauteed summer squash salad. I Caramelized summer squash with balsamic vinegar. I ate it raw. I have dreamed of grilling it. My love affair with this vegetable is getting out of hand.

See for yourself:

The hoagie picture didn't turn out too well--I need to work on that. But know that it was delicious and filling.


  1. mmmmm, looks scandalous. I'm that passionate about watermelon. Isn't it great to have that craving for a healthy food rather than, say, cookies?!

  2. What is the crust for the pizza? It looks like a flour tortilla. Could I use corn instead? LOVE THE SQUASH!!! SO GLAD YOU DISCOVERED IT!!

    I used to help Papa grow it at the farm. Gmama used to make it dipped in corn meal. Love it in ratatouille too.

  3. thanks for stopping by my blog! i'm now following yours. i love what you said about having a love affair with words and you may have convinced me to try summer squash :)
