Monday, April 19, 2010

Off the Wagon

It isn’t about the fall.
It is all about the climb back up.
I ate horribly this weekend. I can’t really say why. Perhaps it was because I am stressed about this job opportunity, or school, or something but to be honest I can’t say why I did it.
And I’m not going to dwell on it. I fell off the wagon and had a food hangover and remembered why eating that way feels more like dying than living. Seriously, it stripped me of my energy entirely and I was exhausted and didn’t want to move or be jolly or live.
It wasn’t worth it. I’d rather have something worth eating—something natural, whole wheat, tasty, fresh and delicious. Something that resembles fuel rather than padding.
I did walk the beast yesterday for close to an hour and it was really satisfying. It was a bit cool out but once we got moving it felt great. I listened to the ipod and that was generally enjoyable and Prime didn’t try to jump out in front of any cars or anything. Overall, it was a success and I plan to do it again very soon. I drove the path to the park this AM and found it is 1.7 miles to the park. So that means it is 3.4 miles there and back. If I do 1.6 to two miles while at the park (they have this awesome path), then we will have rocked five miles! Prime is pretty tired after a mile or two, so we may need to build up to this. You know, for his sake 

I can’t wait to tell you how I got back on the wagon and how good it felt. Until then, I send my encouragement out to you as you work on your path.

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