Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Calories per Day

Good Morning World!

Hungry girl posted this amazing link that calculates what your calorie intake should be daily.

Since I am not officially paying in to the ol' WW, I have felt lost on how many points I should be using. I realize now that I have been hitting around the right number, but have allowed myself a little too much extra room with the sneaking suspicion I might be under anyway.

Well, that suspicion certainly was sneaking-- and entirely inaccurate. I am ready to rock 27 points a day, and no more, to make this work (the added benefit of it being my lucky number is nice too).

I expect I will be seeing some drastic and exciting results. Five hundred less calories a day along with my exercise for the week should really kick my weight loss in to gear.

I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see how you do. And I know counting calories/points can be a hassle, but if it works, do it!
