Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday Weigh In

I'm here even though I don't want to be.

I got on the scale and it read:

Yup, that would be a gain. A 1.6 gain actually.

It happens. Especially after my fat kid at gym class fiasco and the binge that followed. And I drank a little too much this past weekend as well.

I can do better, I am already correcting the habits that brought this on. Next week will be better.

If all else fails, I can start sharing my meals with this dude:

He is more than willing to help!


  1. Good job on facing the scale...moving on!!

    That picture cracked me up! Dogs just luv our people food huh? hehe :)

  2. O.M.G. his eyes says it all. Kinda what I look like when I see PASTRIES. I agree with TJ. You faced the scale, now move on.

    Here's to a good week
