Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shrinking Wife=Skinny Husband

My husband sauntered into the room.
"Guess how much I weigh?" He asked. He sounded like Gaston. You know: "No one's rich like Gaston, no one's fit like Gaston, no one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston!"

eh hm.

He tells me he is ten pounds lighter.

"What? That's a ten pound loss! How did you do it?" I asked, clearly irked.

"You went on a diet." He replied.

He didn't even crack a smile.

That's how it works in my house--I lose, he loses twice as much. I gain, he stays the same.

Ugh, men.

1 comment:

  1. OH my gosh that is so true!!!! darn men! lol but its good though cause your helping him become more healthy. it benefits you both :D
