Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh Miller!

Last night I came home and got some exercise. I took the beast for a walk and did a fifteen minute leg workout. It wasn't my best, but it was more than nothing.

I treated myself to a beer. And then another. Holy cow, it is amazing how liquor effects you when you are eating healthy. Lettuce doesn't soak up beer like pizza, ya know?

After making dinner I had another beer. Hubs didn't wake up to eat with me, so I ate my delicious meal alone. And then I went back and had some more. I acknowledged I was NOT hungry and I just kept eating. What is my problem?

Surprisingly, I wasn't that much over for the day and I don't really regret the three beers, but perhaps what they made me do.

Tomorrow we are going to a friend's house for dinner. They are planning margaritas. I am bringing dessert-- fruit pizza. Yeah, it sounds safe but I think I'll bring some fruit and coolwhip for myself as that fruit pizza comes in around 5 points per serving. As for the margaritas, I am hoping to break them up by drinking water. And I am bringing baja bob's mix to minimize the caloric hit. AND--now this is brave and scary for me-- I am going to try to limit myself to two.


I love to drink,and I have always justified my drinking. I still don't think it is wrong, but gluttony over anything is. And when it comes to alcohol, I am a glutton. And to correct this, I need to minimize my drinking.

You have no idea how hard it is to make this commitment to myself. But I know I can do it.

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