Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just Say No

It is raining here in Ohio, for the third day in a row.
I don't know about you, but a cold rainy day is a trigger for comfort food in my book.
So I ate all my healthy snacks and then I calculated my points and decided I could swing a 5 point chicken nugget pack from Wendy's. I wasn't that hungry, but I decided I needed it, you know, on account of the weather.

I pulled into the drive thru after hesitating slightly by the turn in to the parking lot. "Should I do this? Why am I doing it? Didn't I plan to go to the gym at lunch today?"

When I got to the microphone, I hesitated again. "It's not too late. I can just get a diet coke and go on my way..."

But I ordered them anyway. Why? Because those extra five points only drop me to 12 for the day and that is more than enough for the evening meal, right?

Well I took a bite of the first nugget and realized a few things. I wasn't really hungry. Even if I have the points, it is down right stupid/insane to give my body something it isn't even asking for. Eating these nuggets will NOT make my mood better. They won't stop the rain or make my day more interesting and they certainly won't help me lose weight.

So I wrapped up the bag and put it on the floor of the passenger side of my car and I drove to the library. Why? Because a trip to the library will make my mood better, make it and ME more interesting, and will help me lost weight (I also picked up an exercise DVD to try out). And guess what? As I got out of the car, I realized, it had stopped raining.

Take that, chicken nuggets :)

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