Monday, February 22, 2010

Be extra-ordinary

Carpe Diem.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Live it like it is your last.

I have heard these my whole life but have never put much stock in them. Eh, yeah, I am thankful for today but really, I would like a nap. And a cookie. In that order, and then repeat.

I rarely commit myself to doing more than I have to. Now that is not to say that I don't push myself-- I am in a master's program, so I do have some ambition. I tend to stay pretty committed to school and I would high five myself for that if it wasn't for the fact that if I am not IN school, I feel like I might as well be dead. I have to be working towards something.

So that being said, I exist in this weird little world of half productivity. I am rather efficient, but rarely live up to my potential.

So the goal today is to be a little extra ordinary. Just enough awesome to prove to myself that I am pretty kick ass after all.

I challenge you to do the same. Make a to do list and complete it. Walk a little farther, eat a little healthier, treat yourself a little more like a friend.

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