Sunday, February 14, 2010

And the pain of the Cheeseburger shall haunt your Dreams

First, I will start by saying "Gome!", as I have rocked it pretty hard this past week. I stuck to natural, straight from the ground or tree or (sadly) animal, and I have cooked at home to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I found that when I stock up on healthy, natural food I am not as crazy hungry by lunchtime as I used to be when I ate a little eggs, some processed popcorn and a bowl of veggies--totally unsatisfying.

My obsession with mushrooms and onions continues and is, by some accounts, getting out of hand. I think I bought over 100 ounces of mushrooms for this week's entrees. In all fairness, I add them to EVERYTHING and they cook down to nothing....

Anyway. Now to the cheeseburger that plagued my life. Holy Guacamole.
Art and I were bickering. How fun. And I knew that I wanted to use some (if not all) of my extra points for the week this weekend, so I went to a certain fast food restaurant and ordered two staples:

5 piece nugget= 5 points
Double stack= 9 Whopping points of utter goodness (maybe...)

And I shoved these down my gullet (once I got home), with total happiness. I actually added mayo to my burger even. I went all out.

And then... well.... (Warning: TMI about to occur).... It all came back out.
My body was clearly telling me that this unhealthy, unnatural and crazy-rich food is just not what the doctor (or anyone) ordered.

I have heard women and men say this before. They are usually of the skinny B@tch variety, and they whine: "If I even look at a vodka cream sauce, my stomach turns. I just can't do it anymore! Why, oh why, can I not eat fat like I used to???"
And before, I had to hold back not to sit on them and shut them up.
But now I see what they mean. It hurts. It doesn't digest. It is pure evil on a bun. And I will not be doing it again. If I want a burger, I'll make it at home or get one from a place that actually cooks it under somewhat diet-humane conditions.

And that is all. Art and I are slightly over the bickerment, but the day is still yet to arrive. Hopefully some trips to the bookstore will get us back on track.

Until next time-- eat it. love it. lose it.

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