Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yum, CAKE!

four point cake with REAL full fat, gluttony icing? Sure!
At first I thought my pumpkin chocolate cake was a disaster meant for only the most desperate dieter until… I slapped some real icing on it!
2 tablespoons of regular, from a jar, icing is only three points. I have a special place in my heart for such deliciousness, so even though it is NOT filling or healthy, I’ll splurge on it. Daily, even. Why? Because a cup of green beans and a healthy low fat meal is totally award winning if you add some cake at the end. I don’t feel deprived at all. In fact, I feel bad. Naughty bad. Pinch me!

I plan to make another round of this cake tonight and take it with me this weekend. This way, I can shirk Tday desserts and really live it up big. Don’t get me wrong—I love pecan pie, but at a whopping 14 points for one dinky slice I just can’t justify it. Not when I can have my cake and eat it too for only four points.

And that concludes my hour of cake. Make it. Love it. Live it.

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